I have thought about that. I do not understand why you killed yourself under such haste. I do not understand. You where rich enough to do it in an arranged form, if you where in so much pain you could not endure. There are suicide clinics in Holland. If one would become to such a stage that there are no options to i.e. enormous amounts of pain I can understand if someone wants to die. But then you should die under controlled forms. I do not know if you where in enormous amounts of pain or not. I have had enormous amounts of pain sometimes, not often, but I can understand what kind of pain is hard to endure. Also some diagnois have a bad outcome and I can understand those that do not want to continue under such circumstances. I know what I wouldn't be able to endure and I would think about the clinic as an option. You had that option, as any other with severe pain for the remainder of your stay on Earth. I didn't know you. I cannot say. But how you have been said to do it... I j...
I have done a paper, an examination. An essay I had to write in a topic. Got it back with comments that everything was good, but I needed to cut it down to half and rearrange and put the questions together and not split them up. I removed all questions. Couldn't rearrange accroding to professors comments, it would have lacked a red thread, so I did it my way. I no longer cared about each question I just started Chopping the text. Changing the sentences to the words where smarter and shorter. I still wanted to say all the things on my mind. So I chopped and chopped. The goal was from 5000 to 2500 words, but I couldn't manage. With the references I was at 3000, without them less. I have no idea if it was enough. But I think I did a really good job. Cutting away a lot. I don't like cutting things and making them smaller in my student work. However in my work places I usually try to minimize everything. So I just did the cutting. I think it turned out pretty good. However, if t...
Ålderdomen kommer som ett brev på posten, gråa hårstrån gör sig påminda, de kommer plötsligt, en dag finns dem där, rynkan i ögonvrån, huden som tappar sin spänst, magen som numera hänger som ett veck över underbyxorna, knän som inte längre orkar hänga med i full takt, fönstertittarsjukan som längtar efter promenadpauser då och då, ryggen som krämpar när du gjort hårt arbete, kroppen som är sliten, kroppen som vill ha ro, kroppen som vill att du tar det lugnt, kroppsminnet som minns alla dåliga erfarenheter, kroppen som lever i minnena, fastän alla celler bytts ut sedan minnena skapades, cellerna ärver i generation efter generation alla gamla cellers kunskaper, du sitter hellre hemma i godan ro, än springer ute på festival, du sitter hellre hemma i godan ro, än köper mat i butiken, en dag har du hemtjänsten för inköpen, ålderdomen kommer bara en dag, vips har du åldrats, kanske ser du nu också äldre ut, en dag kommer den, för den som ...
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