This is the Living Forum blog on the Internet. Everything on this website is protected by "Upphovsrättslagen" in the Swedish legislation. This site is protected by copyright. This website is a living literature piece. Names might have been changed or fabricated, you do not know until you ask.
Don't reblog my posts, please. Don't steal my words. Your carma will be so bad if you steal my words. Don't steal my words, it will be bad for you. Let my words be on my blogs only. I choose where I want to have my written words. This is how I want it. I don't want to have them anywhere else than here, on my blogs. I chose where to write my words. If I choose to write somewhere else, other than on my blogs, then I do that. You don't do anything for me. I have a voice, or written words, or performance or whatever of my own. I don't need any babysitters.
Hela denna website innehåller ett levande litterärt verk online, skyddad av Upphovsrätt. Namngivna personer kan vara påhittade, du vet inte om du inte frågar. Jag vill inte att du använder mina ord någon annanstans. Jag väljer själv var jag publicerar och skriver. Lägg dig inte i mina ord.
One can not just sit and do nothing when the world is an injustice place. Let's make it a better place for all of us. A world in peace, harmony, understanding, diversity and where we all are worth something for a fellow human being. A world where we smile to a stranger and a world where we help a fellow-man. Let's make the world so much better.
I am a Swedish citizen and I follow the Swedish "Yttrandefrihetslagen" and "Tryckfrihetslagen", freedom of speech and freedom of the written word legislation, in Sweden. If there is something you don't like, you just make a comment in the commentary fields anywhere on this site and I will consider changing the article. After all, I am only human. Some things I write are dark and melancolic, if you are a sensitive person, don't read.
I always try to include sources to the articles I have read while researching materials. When there is no source given, there is no source. Sources to images and facts are often included below the article, if not directly included in the text. Often I direct link images and videos, they are then just embedded into my homepage, but are really located somewhere else, another source, at the original source. I don't have the material at my page, I have just placed a link. If you are unhappy about something, just comment. In the end I am a kindhearted person, if you just let yourself write a real message. That is how I do it, when I am unhappy about something.
My advice to you (if I am allowed to give you any, of course) is:
Don't believe everything you see, or read. Check sources. Ask around, search around, read, see, smell, touch and interpret. If you don't understand what you come by, ask, read, search, touch, smell and interpret again. Don't settle for the first best answer, it might be wrong. Keep in mind it may also be right. The simplest answer might be the right one. The most complicated answer might also be the right one. You don't know until you know. You have to try to know, otherwise you will still have the knowledge you have right now. Some things are just fictional, keep that in mind.
After reading this page I hope you are more open-minded, more critical, more alert, more aware, more interested, more of everything and more you.
We are all created equal in the sence that we have a spirit and a body. That spirit with our body is life. You are alive. Isn't that awesome?
I don't look at the keyboard when I write, and I write really fast. This means that some misspelling can occur. If I read them again I sometimes change the spelling, but not all the time, since I prioritize other things in life! I am just happy if you understood what I wrote, not if its perfect, since I am not a perfectionist. And I strongly advice you to waste time on something else than typo's.
I don't care if you like pictures and images, I don't wanna make copyright violations, so I seldom use images. I might post images when a link is available to the source, or if I happen to have one that works with the article. I use free image stock from free sources sometimes. They don't need to be mentioned according to the rules. To visualise something, for educational purposes, I might use images to show the images in question. But, I prioritize other things than having a lot of images. However I do post videos, hope that is enough!
The blog is mainly in English, because I wanna tell the whole world! I am however not an English native, so keep that in mind. My home world is in Sweden and sometimes I write articles in Swedish too. Sometimes I write in both languages, however they are not translations and the versions can be totally different, but the feeling is the same.
Why do I call myself Human life? Well, check it out on Wikipedia, is it by chance, or did I know it before? What do you think? What you are thinking has a 50% chance of being right as well as wrong. You don´t know until you know.
For more rules about Copyright read copyright laws for this site on:
What is human life? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_life
Enjoy your stay,
Human Life
Don't reblog my posts, please. Don't steal my words. Your carma will be so bad if you steal my words. Don't steal my words, it will be bad for you. Let my words be on my blogs only. I choose where I want to have my written words. This is how I want it. I don't want to have them anywhere else than here, on my blogs. I chose where to write my words. If I choose to write somewhere else, other than on my blogs, then I do that. You don't do anything for me. I have a voice, or written words, or performance or whatever of my own. I don't need any babysitters.
Hela denna website innehåller ett levande litterärt verk online, skyddad av Upphovsrätt. Namngivna personer kan vara påhittade, du vet inte om du inte frågar. Jag vill inte att du använder mina ord någon annanstans. Jag väljer själv var jag publicerar och skriver. Lägg dig inte i mina ord.
One can not just sit and do nothing when the world is an injustice place. Let's make it a better place for all of us. A world in peace, harmony, understanding, diversity and where we all are worth something for a fellow human being. A world where we smile to a stranger and a world where we help a fellow-man. Let's make the world so much better.
I am a Swedish citizen and I follow the Swedish "Yttrandefrihetslagen" and "Tryckfrihetslagen", freedom of speech and freedom of the written word legislation, in Sweden. If there is something you don't like, you just make a comment in the commentary fields anywhere on this site and I will consider changing the article. After all, I am only human. Some things I write are dark and melancolic, if you are a sensitive person, don't read.
I always try to include sources to the articles I have read while researching materials. When there is no source given, there is no source. Sources to images and facts are often included below the article, if not directly included in the text. Often I direct link images and videos, they are then just embedded into my homepage, but are really located somewhere else, another source, at the original source. I don't have the material at my page, I have just placed a link. If you are unhappy about something, just comment. In the end I am a kindhearted person, if you just let yourself write a real message. That is how I do it, when I am unhappy about something.
My advice to you (if I am allowed to give you any, of course) is:
Don't believe everything you see, or read. Check sources. Ask around, search around, read, see, smell, touch and interpret. If you don't understand what you come by, ask, read, search, touch, smell and interpret again. Don't settle for the first best answer, it might be wrong. Keep in mind it may also be right. The simplest answer might be the right one. The most complicated answer might also be the right one. You don't know until you know. You have to try to know, otherwise you will still have the knowledge you have right now. Some things are just fictional, keep that in mind.
After reading this page I hope you are more open-minded, more critical, more alert, more aware, more interested, more of everything and more you.
We are all created equal in the sence that we have a spirit and a body. That spirit with our body is life. You are alive. Isn't that awesome?
I don't look at the keyboard when I write, and I write really fast. This means that some misspelling can occur. If I read them again I sometimes change the spelling, but not all the time, since I prioritize other things in life! I am just happy if you understood what I wrote, not if its perfect, since I am not a perfectionist. And I strongly advice you to waste time on something else than typo's.
I don't care if you like pictures and images, I don't wanna make copyright violations, so I seldom use images. I might post images when a link is available to the source, or if I happen to have one that works with the article. I use free image stock from free sources sometimes. They don't need to be mentioned according to the rules. To visualise something, for educational purposes, I might use images to show the images in question. But, I prioritize other things than having a lot of images. However I do post videos, hope that is enough!
The blog is mainly in English, because I wanna tell the whole world! I am however not an English native, so keep that in mind. My home world is in Sweden and sometimes I write articles in Swedish too. Sometimes I write in both languages, however they are not translations and the versions can be totally different, but the feeling is the same.
Why do I call myself Human life? Well, check it out on Wikipedia, is it by chance, or did I know it before? What do you think? What you are thinking has a 50% chance of being right as well as wrong. You don´t know until you know.
For more rules about Copyright read copyright laws for this site on:
What is human life? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_life
Enjoy your stay,
Human Life
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