
All materials on this site are protected by copyright laws. If sources are available to articles, they are given. If no sources are given, the materials copyright belongs to In order to critic, analyse and such and the original link isn't available I do printscreens, just to be able to explain the analysis. This is in educational favour so that the readers may understand the topic in question. Analysis and critic are important to visualise different aspects of things, so there can be change, or understanding for a topic. I can modify materials from others for educational or art purposes. The original content is the original creators. I can use i.e. government logo's when I send them a ball, but I twist the design, so it is no longer the original.
Material should not copied without written consent. Ask permission!

Disclaimer: - No Copyright Infringement Intended - I do not own the sound tracks used in videos linked. No profit will be made whatsoever. All rights to the sound track belongs to its respectful owners. The videos are used for entertainment purposes only.

If you want to say something, then write a comment. If you have suggestions, write a comment. Changes can always be made. Nobody is perfect, not even you.

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I am located in Sweden, that means these are the copyrights in all of the World that you have to follow. You have no rights to use anything of my materials. My materials stay here. Don't copy anything. Don't steal my art, it stays on my chosen media. You have no rights to use anything.

Upphovsrätten på allt material, där jag är avsändaren, tillhör mig. Du har inte rätt att kopiera eller inspireras av mitt material. Jag är lokaliserad i Sverige. Det är svensk upphovsrätt och EU-lagarna som gäller för dig som besökare. Du har inte tillstånd att återanvända mitt material i någon form. Respektera min konst. Dålig karma följer med den som inte respekterar mina önskemål. Det är inte värt att sätta din karma på spel, så då är det bättre du låter bli.

Detta är ett levande litterärt verk online. This is a living litterature piece online. To understand the law valid in the whole World, because I am Swedish, read the Swedish Copyright law here(upphovsrättslagen gäller på allt mitt material, läs om det här):

It may contain fiction, lies, you will never know if you do not ask. Sidan kan innehålla fiktion, lögner, du kan aldrig veta, om du aldrig frågar.

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